I have been an accredited Baby Massage & Baby Yoga (Chester) teacher since 2012 running classes that provide nurturing and fun times with your baby, providing a unique opportunity for you and your little one to bond and spend quality nurturing time together in a safe relaxed environment. 



baby massage chester

The classes consist of 4 or 5 one hour sessions which run weekly, usually on a Tuesday late morning. You will learn to massage a new area of the body each week until the full body massage routine has been covered. Time is also set for feeding, chatting and a vital guided relaxation healing meditation to finish, which will greatly benefit both carer and baby, as baby picks up on mums/dads/carers energy, a beautiful reset each week for mind body and soul to get you through those early weeks of parenthood.

Learning the vital skill of Baby Massage from as early as 2 weeks old with bring huge benefits for your baby and you, make this your first class.

To find out next class dates and to book your place, go to Book Now on the Menu

Investment in you and your baby’s wellbeing: £55

baby massage chester 

  • Benefits include helping to develop your baby’s digestive, immune, circulatory and nervous systems from birth
  • Relax your baby and encourage good sleep
  • Reduce wind and settle colic
  • Encourage bonding and interaction
  • It is lovely and relaxing for both your baby and you!
  • Baby Massage is suitable from birth/2 weeks old up to approx 5/6 months old
  • Ensures your baby has the very best start in life – mentally, physically and emotionally
  • Baby Massage will help your baby to sleep, aids relaxation, digestion, wind and constipation, encourages bonding, interaction and good sleep, helps growth and development and develops your baby’s first language: touch. 

Baby Massage (Chester)

for next class dates & to book your place, go to ‘book now’ on menu 


Private One to One Baby Massage Lesson for one or both parents in my lovely Upton-by-Chester garden therapy room or as an Online Live Zoom

You will learn the whole baby massage routine in a very comfortable warm setting. Suitable for one parent/carer and your baby or a couple/other family members.

Investment: £55


Sam can also help with emotional wellbeing during pregnancy and post pregnancy;

Reiki Healing for You or your Little One.  

Reiki can help to relax and calm your baby, and can help with teething, colic, and sleep issues and can help assist you with overwhelm, stress, anxiety, etc etc.

Reiki is suitable in the early stages of pregnancy and after 37 weeks, and can even assist in encouraging labour to begin. Also amazing post birth to assist with recovery and through those exhausting first weeks and months of parenthood.

Investment: Children £30, Babies £25, adults £40

Bespoke Hypno-Heal Recording for Hypno-Birthing and Emotional Wellbeing

A Personalised Transformational Hypnosis Recording.  This needs to be listened to for 21 days as the mind learns by repitition, and this will install new positive powerful empowering suggestions, affirmations and praise into your subconscious, leaving you feeling empowered and confident, it’s like gifting your mind an upgrade, freeing you from critical or fearful thoughts and patterns.

(A questionnaire will need to be completed about your fears/worries/issue) 

Listening to your recording during pregnancy can help you overcome your pregnancy, labour and birth fears and help you have a calmer pregnancy, a calmer labour and birth and help to reduce pain and any panic/stress. By having a personal transformational recording done for you, you can start to overcome any fears, worries and stresses around pregnancy, labour, birth and beyond.  Studies have shown that stress and worry can affect an unborn baby, so by overcoming negative fears and worries, you are not only helping yourself but your unborn baby too, then once you have given birth, your calm energy is very likely to help your beautiful baby to sleep and feed better. Self-Hypnosis can then be done during labour, plus listening to your personal recording when you are able, are both such a powerful tools.  Young children learn everything from parents, family, their environment and later the school environment and the first 7 years of life is when the brain and the sub-conscious mind is developing – all their thoughts, patterns and behaviours. So if parents are unconfident, stressed, anxious and fearful around babies and young children, then this is how they will learn to be, this will be their belief system to play out into their adult lives!

Investment in YOU; £65

Please book via ‘Book Now’ on the menu above


Rapid Transformational Therapy 1 Month Package

New parenthood can be an overwhelming time for some.   

Do you feel overwhelmed and stuck, like something is blocking you being able to get out more, get back to work, feel like your old self, launch a new business so you can be a stay at home parent ? Or perhaps being a stay at home parent for some time has knocked your confidence? 

Maybe you are suffering with imposter syndrome, which is when a person thinks they are a fraud, when one doubts their own abilities, accomplishments and experience. This can sometimes happen when it’s time to return to work after maternity leave, when it’s time to leave your precious baby in the care of others. 

Are you stuck in cycles of negative thinking?

Are fears and anxious thoughts clouding your day? 

Hormones all over the place?

Weight issues getting you down? 

Feeling like you are not a good enough parent? 

Feelings of not being enough? 

Lacking in self worth? 

Not able to easily ask for help?

Feel invisible?

Are you feeling anxious and stressed especially at leaving your baby and returning to work?

Suffering a lack of confidence?

Feeling overwhelming fears or worries?

Feeling low about lots of things?

If the answer is yes to any of those listed above, if any of that resonates with you, then please don’t be hard on yourself.  We have a habit of placing high expectations on ourselves as new parents, that we wouldn’t put on others.  

You can set yourself free and learn to love and accept yourself and when you do, life becomes much easier and happier. 

If you want to get to the root of what is going on and feel empowered again, then a Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy Session & Energy Healing Sessions will really will help you.

A session or two of Rapid Transformational Therapy will help you overcome this way of thinking and get you feeling confident, calm, motivated and ready to step into your power. 

1 Month Package Includes

  • 1x approx 2 hour Rapid Transformational Therapy Session
  • 1x Personalised relaxing healing empowering hypnosis recording where you will be given powerful positive suggestions and new beliefs personalised to you, which will leave you empowered and confident.  This personalised transformational recording is to be listened to for 28 days following your RTT session and occasionally thereafter
  • 2x Powerful Energy Healing Sessions
  • 2x Check-ups before sessions
  • Weekly handouts with info & tools to help keep yourself in balance moving forward
  • 2x guided healing meditations
  • Available in Chester UK or any location Worldwide via Zoom Online 



Wellness therapies (Chester) Bookings

 E-MAIL ME NOW OR GO TO BOOK NOW on the the menu